Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Spring is Springing!

Finally there is nice weather in our immediate future!  I don't know about you, but I could not be more excited.  No more snow boots and pants, no more cold hands, wet socks and feet, or missed recess time!  When I announced as of this week, no more snow clothes for recess, I was prepared for the, "But I want the snow!" or "But I have to wear them!" Instead, I was facing excited friends who cheered louder about not having to wear all those items than they do for recess in general.  I think they are relieved to not have to spend 5+ minutes each day getting dressed, then another 5 or more getting undressed.  Today, they were beyond thrilled when I said get ready for recess and they just had to put on coats, maybe gloves.  I have missed recess days where it takes 2 minutes to get out the door.  I have missed the basketball games, the kicking of the soccer ball, the beautiful chalk drawings, as well as the endless lines for the swings and monkey bars.  Spring is here, as are our favorite recess activities!  As much as I don't want it to happen, I am happily awaiting the scraped knees, muddy shoes, sand-filled pants, as it is true indicator that the nice weather is here and the students get to be outside.  They get to be kids, they get to run and release all that energy.  I cannot wait to get bouquets of dandelions or chalk hand prints on me from when students tap to ask you a question.  I cannot wait to see my friends in their glory.  Tomorrow, the last part of the playground opens for them. I'm not sure who is happier - my friends or me.  All I know is when 10:45 hits, there is no grumbling or fussing, we are ALL headed out that door.

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