Tuesday, April 1, 2014

50 days remaining

As we counted the days of school today, I realized there are only 50 days until first grade, 50 days until I have to say good bye, 50 days to get them where they need to be.  There are only 50 more days to see these bright eyed, smiling faces. 50 days to hear their contagious laughs, share their silly stories, and comfort them when they are sad.  50 days.  It seems so long, but yet so short.

Last year, I cried my last day of school.  As a first year kindergarten teacher, I could not believe how far they had come, how close I had gotten, how connected we were. I knew I would have to say goodbye, but I didn't expect to be as emotional as I was.  I knew I would see them again in August, that they would come back to visit, that they would stay in touch, but I didn't want to let go.  But I survived, as did they.  I know that it's not goodbye, it's just "see ya later," but still it makes it hard.  The teacher I student taught with told me that after 35 years of teaching, she still teared up the last day of school when it was time to say goodbye.  She told me, the year she stops feeling that, the year she loses the connection, drive, and emotional attachment, would be the year she would retire.  As much I cannot stand goodbyes, I am very much the same.

I have 50 more days to make some of the best memories I can with these students. I have 50 more days to share in their growth, successes, struggles, and happiness.  I have 50 more days to make a difference.  I'm going to make it the best 50 days I can.  Let's finish the year strong.  Let's end on a great note.  I'm committed, what about you?


  1. I am totally feeling the same way! I can see those little faces turning into 2nd grade faces, and its scary and beautiful at the same time. Someone asked me the other day; Do you have any students that you just can't stand? I said, honestly NO, there may be challenging students or challenging days in my classroom , but I cherish each and every one of my students because of the bond created when we learn and grow together. I envy you in a K-5 school, because my students will only be with me in this building for another year....

  2. There are challenges in everyday, but isn't that what makes it all worth it? I was beyond excited at the end of the day, when I went outside with my kids again and first grade was out as well. I felt like celebrity status with my kids from last year as they bombarded me with hugs and screeches (not like they don't come see me everyday). I know in a few years I will really appreciate seeing them move from kindergarten all the way through six right in front of me.

    My brother's first grade teacher sent every single student a card on their graduation, whether they stayed in town or not. She made sure they all knew she still cared. I've already started keeping my lists so that I can do the same. It was his hands down favorite card he received (aside from money, of course) for graduation!
